Information on textile products to consumers is being addressed in two separate laws.
The first is the Green Claims Directive.
This proposal aims to tackle “green washing”. It requires companies to substantiate their voluntary environmental claims on products, based on appropriate methodologies which assess the environmental performance. The goal is to provide consumers with reliable, comparable and verifiable information on environmental impacts of products.
The second is the Textile Fibers Labelling Regulation.
The revision of this Regulation aims at adapting the existing law to technical progress and societal change, and making it fit for the new regulatory framework, as set in the EU textiles strategy. The European Commission is considering to propose new provisions which promote sustainability and circularity, and the use of digital technologies to improve efficiency and effectiveness of labels.
Green Claim
- Commission Published proposal 22 March 2022
- Council: Technical discussions ongoing
- EP: First discussion in IMCO 23 May
- Trialogue Negotiation 2023/2024
- Adoption as of 2024
Textile Labelling
- October 2023: Impact Assessment submitted to the Regulatory Scrutiny Board
- The verdict by the RSB should delivered in December 2023.
- end of 2023: Commission should adopt the legal proposal to Council and Parliament
- 2024: ordinary legislative procedure (colegislation) should start.
More information
More information: Corporate Responsibility or for labelling Safety & Compliance. Or contact our advisors.