Safety & Compliance

Modint is één van de best geïnformeerde kenniscentra van Europa op het gebied van productwetgeving voor kleding en textiel, zoals productveiligheid, milieueisen, regels voor bescherming van de gezondheid van de drager en labelling. Onze advisering richt zich met name op mechanische veiligheid, dus de fysieke eisen die gesteld worden aangaande o.a. koordjes, knopen en ritsen en chemische veiligheid. Daarnaast is er ook aandacht voor brandveiligheid

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Een overzicht van het laatste nieuws.

Recall children's clothing Alert (nr. 7, 2020)

Please find 7 recalls published on the European, American and Australian websites regarding dangerous consumer products. Countries: United Kingdom, Cyprus,...

Recall Alert clothing/footwear (nr. 3, 2020)

Please find 3 recalls published on the European and Canadian website regarding dangerous consumer products. Countries: Finland, Canada (2x) Brands:...

Recall Alert clothing/footwear (nr. 2, 2020)

Please find 8 recalls published on the European website regarding dangerous consumer products. Countries: Finland (4x), Greece, Germany (3x) Brands:...

Recall children's clothing Alert (nr. 6, 2020)

Please find 15 recalls published on the European and Canadian websites regarding dangerous consumer products. Countries: Greece (9x), Romania, United...

Recall children's clothing Alert (nr. 5, 2020)

Please find 33 recalls published on the European and American websites regarding dangerous consumer products. Countries: Norway (2x), Bulgaria (4x),...

Recall Alert clothing/footwear (nr. 1, 2020)

Please find 5 recalls published on the European website regarding dangerous consumer products. Countries: Sweden (2x), Germany, France, Normway Brands:...