
Webinar Digital Product Passport – what to expect

30 november
Donderdag 30 november 2023
10:30 tot 12:00

Products will have to comply with performance and information requirements set in a Delegated Act after the main ESPR law is approved. First delegated acts are foreseen in 2024. Standards for a Digital Product Passport are foreseen to be finalised 31 December 2025 with a transition period for industry to adapt until 2027.

Read more on the topic of Digital Product Pasport here.


  • Free for Modint Purchasing and Production members with CR module
  • Modint Members € 75,- excl. VAT
  • Price others: € 150,- excl.VAT


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In this webinar GS1 will tell you more about the learnings from the Cirpass project in which companies partricipate on this subject. Modint will give an overview of recent CR developments, including the DPP.