Corporate Responsibility

Members Only. Combine your commercial goals with corporate responsibility. Modint's CR-team is an expert in the fashion and textile industry. Together we can create and implement a strategy that fits your brand. Modint is a knowledge centre and we share industry specific expertise that matters to you. At the same time we are a sparring partner. We also organize (in-house) sessions. Work with us to shape your CR policy.

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Een overzicht van het laatste nieuws.

Corporate Responsibility Update nr. 7, 2021

The Next Generation Agreement, DSFW and other events coming up! - 31 augustus 2021

Vervolg op het Nederlandse convenant: The Next Generation Agreement (NGA)

Please see the English version below. 13-08-2021 - Het Convenant Duurzame Kleding en Textiel (CKT) en de financiering ervoor loopt eind 2021 af, waardoor...

Corporate Responsibility Update nr. 6, 2021

Updated Modint tools for CR members

Corporate Responsibility Update nr. 5, 2021

Manadory Due Diligence: What is coming? - June 18th, 2021

Controle duurzaamheidsclaims: kledingbedrijven aangeschreven door ACM

04-05-2021 - De Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) doet onderzoek naar misleidende duurzaamheidsclaims in de kleding-, energie-, en zuivelsector. De organisatie...

Corporate Responsibility Update nr. 4, 2021

How change is needed for recovery - April 22nd, 2021

Corporate Responsibility Update nr. 3, 2021

Modint paper digital fabrics and micro plastics - March 31st, 21

Difficulties sourcing (organic) cotton

Many fashion and textile companies have set sustainability goals for 2021 and onwards. Using more sustainable raw materials in their collections is a...

Corporate Responsibility Update nr. 2, 2021

Xinjiang situation: International collaboration between governments and companies is needed - February 17th, 2021

ACM start met controle duurzaamheidsclaims 

09-02-2021 | Consumenten raken steeds meer geïnteresseerd in de impact van producten en diensten die ze afnemen en maken bewustere koopkeuzes als het...